
Mr. Piers

Apr 29, 2021

In 2011 I developed plantar fasciitis in my right heel and over time the discomfort and pain made it impossible to continue running, which until that time had been my main form of exercise. Over the course of the next two years I visited two different physiotherapists, a podiatrist and an osteopath, none of which were really able to get to the root cause of the problem. When I went to see Doug at the Clinic his confidence impressed me; he said that even if he didn’t cure it, he would be able to reduce the symptoms and make the condition more bearable. Over the course of a very small number of treatments (I think about 6-8) the pain was eliminated and only some residual discomfort remained. Doug knew precisely where to treat me (lower back) and everything he said made sense to me. I now see him once a month for a maintenance check, I am back running again (15km run last weekend), and there is no longer any pain or discomfort. I can’t recommend him highly enough.