
John Hubbard

Apr 29, 2021

On the 5th Jan 2019, my 59th birthday, I finished the Tilgate Park run in a little over 24 minutes. So what, you may well ask?

Ten weeks earlier, before visiting Doug, I had severe pain in my lower back and hip and could hardly walk across the room. The pain was quite debilitating and I was starting to worry about my long-term health. After four months taking pain killers, I thought I needed to try something different. By sheer luck, I found that Sussex Spine Care has a clinic within 5 miles of my home and, conveniently, appointments are available until 8pm.

I booked a consultation and had my first treatment the same evening. Doug immediately filled me with confidence. He quickly formed a diagnosis and set out a plan of action for the next eight weeks. He told me that he would have me active again in 4 weeks and fully functioning in 8. He was so positive in what he said that I never doubted him. My trust was fully rewarded.

Doug has an easy manner and makes you feel very comfortable. The treatment is physical but never aggressive and I felt perfectly relaxed throughout. I actually looked forward to each session. This is not like going to the dentist!

The clinic I attended was at Borde Hill Gardens, just to the north of Haywards Heath. It is easy to find and there is lots of free parking. Each treatment only takes about 15 minutes and I was never in the waiting room for more than 5. My appointments were always in the evening so I didn’t have to take time off work.

I am now running and swimming regularly and starting to feel competitive again. At my age, I’m sure that I will have aches and pains again in the future. When I do, I will go straight back to Doug to get some help. I’m a great believer in our NHS but there are times when you need to see a specialist. It is money very well spent.