
Jeremy Fry

Apr 29, 2021

I write to share my thanks and appreciation for your efforts in transforming my condition and giving me back an almost pain free existence with more mobility than I could ever have wished for. After years of high level sport my body has taken a hammering and frankly apart from a full body replacement I did not think anything would be possible.

When I first came to see you in December 2013 it was as a last resort. I was hugely sceptical about your ‘voodoo’ and how chiropractic could help me. I have had my fair share of surgical procedures (including 2 significant bone resections), years of visits to physiotherapists, and being fitted with orthotics to support my posture and hip position. My range of movement in both hips was debilitating, impacting on my ability to walk properly. Furthermore, I was experiencing considerable issues with my back, shoulders, neck and elbow. Sleeping was a challenge, and only really possible with the aid of ibuprofen tablets, numbing the pain for a sufficient time to allow me to get to sleep.

I was really clear with you on my first visit that I did not think you could help, but I was willing to give it a go, as I had tried pretty much everything else, and was desperate! The treatment pathway has not been easy, on either of us -I am very grateful for your enthusiasm, belief and expertise. I am delighted I too had the ‘belieF to trust you and enable our journey together (more my wife pushing me through your doors than me believing!).

You have worked on me intensively since December and slowly at first, my body has begun to respond to the ‘voodoo’ with increasing results. My neck is feeling great. My long standing elbow pain has disappeared and for the first time in 10 years I can actually do push-ups as both my shoulder and elbow stability have improved. The real plus though has been the change in my hip flexibility, mobility and movement. I am no longer walking with a limp. I am walking with a nice stride and can comfortably navigate stairs and escalators. This change has come with an unexpected ‘side-effect’. I no longer feel the need to take pain-killers and have stopped taking any form of
medication since January 2014. Since 2007 I have taken 2 ibuprofen every night before bed to help sleep. Being free of pain, after so many years of being in constant pain, has been a revelation.

I never thought for a single moment at the beginning of the treatment I would see so much progress. Just one or two of the benefits would have been remarkable. But I am more than delighted with the transformation you have worked on me. I am now a believer! The initial desperation of visiting you at your clinic has turned in to a life changing experience, for which I am truly grateful.

Thank you so much very much. I look forward to your continued help and support with my condition.