
Chris Garvey

Apr 29, 2021

I’m convinced Doug is miracle worker, I’ve been to see him on two separate occasions, the first being when I had a MTB accident seriously hurting my neck I couldn’t sleep I had all sorts of funny positions to try and not be in pain, it turned out that the accident had actually shown up an ongoing problem of bad posture from sitting in an office chair for years.. after one session with Doug my life changed, I felt the affects immediately and after 6 sessions he had got me back to a point where I could work on building the muscles in my back to rehabilitate myself properly so it didn’t come back. The second time I saw Doug was a year later when I managed to twist my knee while skiing which resulted in a grade 3 rupture of my PCL Ligament and a few strained ligaments to go along with it. I had been through the NHS system and felt like it was getting me nowhere fast and like it wasn’t being looked at properly, it was at that point I kicked myself as I knew I should have contacted Doug as soon as I did it. He helped me to trust and put my full weight on my leg again, due to the severity of the injury I couldn’t (and at the time of writing this I still can’t) get my leg fully extended straight without Surgery as my thigh and shin bone are miss aligning but Doug helped me to get my leg way straighter and flexible, and every time I left a session it felt like a soft pillow had been wrapped around my knee which was/is in constant pain, this pain has been diminished extensive under Doug’s care, when I first saw him I was on two crutches after three weeks I am on my own legs for most of the day 🙂 The thing I appreciate the most however is you can tell he has a genuine love for helping people feel better, coupled with all the techniques he uses and his calm peaceful approach its worth every penny!

Thanks Doug, you da man