
Lauraine Wynne

Apr 29, 2021

Doug has been wonderful throughout my treatment. It’s obvious from the moment you meet him that he is passionate about his job and cares greatly about each of his patients. As a busy teacher, I just continued with my back pain and daily headaches. I would quickly take some pain pills and get back to work assuming all along it would “sort it self out” or “it was just because I was tired”!! I finally decided to see Doug about my back when one day I cleared out my bag and noticed how many empty packets of pain killers I had! For someone who has always tried to avoid taking conventional tablets, seeing all these empty packets shocked me. Doug took the time to get to know “my story” and was confident that he could help me. Just 6 weeks later and I am feeling so much better. The daily headaches I was experiencing are much better, I feel stronger, more flexible and my sense of well-being is much better. Doug you have been fantastic. Thank you so much for your care.